Thursday, March 10, 2011

understanding me....more.

Cherish ur lifegivin emotion…(a page from my diary….for all of u to ponder)

We constantly keep deciphering the same truth so differently each time lookin through the glasses of our prejudices and beliefs.Just .like every time I look through my window,the outside world stares back at me in different shades,sometimes gloomy,sometimes joyous,.it may be so that the world is reflecting my own inner characterstics…my own basic lifegiving emotion at that moment of time.I think,just .like those life saving drugs that we prescribe in medicine,one certain intense emotion be it love, be it jealosy,be it anger…be it pride…it should every day nourish
our brains,churn it to keep it moving…forward or backward whatever way.


Dr Bhaskar Satsangi said...

it clearly depicts ur childhood memories that u have enjoyed . dont keep it preserved deep inside bring it out in similar way.

Dr Bhaskar Satsangi said...
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Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Yes, it's good to understand oneSelf.
